A Shift In Perspectives
We each have our own truths, and not always do these truths line up with everyone else’s, but are you open to seeing things in new ways? In this episode, we talk about opening up our perceptions to alternative views, and by doing this we have even more opportunities for personal and social growth.
Truth is both a state of being true and a “fact or belief that is accepted as true.” Words and perceptions are but a mirror of truth, and not necessarily actual truth. It is also possible that these mirrors can be distorted, much like fun house mirrors, and can alter how you view yourself, view others, and view the world. By being open to hearing and understanding other people’s perceptions, we begin to heal a divide that allows more people to come together to create more innovative ways of living, being, and thriving.
Magic is science that has not yet been proven, much like how bacteria were thought to be a myth before they were able to be viewed after the invention of the microscope. Just because we don’t understand or can’t perceive something as true, does not make it invalid or untrue. We are limited by our five senses in perceiving and proving the reality beyond this 3D experience. Meaning, we can not yet perceive what it’s like to exist in higher dimensional realities. When we practice “expanding our awareness” through connection with Source and MT GLASS, we get a small taste of higher experiences. But if this cannot be easily perceived, it can be difficult to believe and have faith without proof.
“We want truth, but we reach for more knowledge instead—and then we must defend what we believe. Knowledge makes a small impression on the world compared to the power of truth—even when it serves life, elevating awareness and creating dreams of impeccability. How can knowledge serve better? How can we stop it from doing harm and creating conflict? First, we can see knowledge for what it is—all the agreements we make about reality—and get some perspective. Then we can listen to ourselves. We can modify both our thinking and our emotional attachment to thought. We can win the war in our heads, one that has gone on long enough. We can nurture a belief in ourselves and drift away from the crowd.”
― Miguel Ruiz, The Toltec Art of Life and Death
Our beliefs are a big factor in how we see or perceive something. The things you learn and experience throughout a lifetime change and alter one’s perceptions. And even though you may be co-creating experiences, perceptions may not always align. Being open to hearing other truths allows for better understanding, a greater capacity for compassion and kindness, connections for collaboration and innovative changes, stronger relationships and social support systems, and opportunities for creating new and expanding awareness.
Practice being open to new perspectives with these tips:
Viewing the situation from a zoomed out point of view. Be open to seeing new sides of the situation.
Hold space for others. (21:48): Take a moment and listen. Be open to receiving information.
If you need clarity, ask for it.
Minimize shortcuts in communication to avoid misunderstandings.
Have a dialogue, not a debate. It’s not about convincing, it’s about understanding.
Speak your truth; and be open to alternative truths.
Release expectations
Learn to accept that a perception may be different.
Understand that much discomfort and fear is expressed through anger, and most of this is related to deeply rooted negative patterns of belief.
Some people’s perceptions may not be the same as your own, and that is ok too.
Listening From a Place of Love (17:50)
We also discussed how to find a neutral state to assist yourself in being open to receiving new information and new perceptions of others.
Choose a state of neutrality. This is tough and takes practice, but not impossible and worth the effort!
Let go of the attachment to the situation and the outcome
Try daily affirmations Affirm Your Reality (24:01)
Let go and let flow. Recognize any resistance; be open to a flexible path.
Take time and hold space for yourself, when you can.
Shifting perspectives is not about who is right or who is wrong, it’s about coming together to try to understand one another so we can support each other, love each other and build each other up. On a larger scale, when we come together from a place of trying to absorb information, purely for the purpose of understanding, we can begin to work better together in building a stronger, happier community and life. It’s not about competition, it’s about collaboration in co-creation in what we want to experience in this life.
Watch the related Love Always, Episode on YouTube below: