Shyra is an explorer of personal truth. She has a background in program management, finance and more recently, a spiritual intuitive, learning to connect with and channel spiritual guides, whom they refer to as MT GLASS (Masters, Teachers, Guides, Loved ones, Angels, Self - higher & Source). Shyra has an ever growing passion to not only guide herself, but to also guide others, in opening to and creating stronger connections with Higher Self, allowing us to see & feel life in a whole new loving light.
Things Shyra Loves:
Modalities Mentioned:
-Oracle Card Deck/Tarot:
*The Psychic Tarot-Oracle Deck by John Holland
*The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne
Spiritual Resources/teachers Mentioned:
-Innerbloom Podcast (Ambrosia & Alexa)
-Brian Scott (Reality Revolution)
-Elizabeth April (Expand Podcast)